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Will everything go back to normal or stay the same?

Months have gone by this. Some people are taking it seriously, some aren't ; and it's crazy. I see people wear masks or some type of face covering and some.... just don't care. This Covid-19 has done for much to us. From our love ones dyeing to people who lose their jobs. I want people to understand that THIS COVLD-19 is no joke, this is a serious matter. If you think I'm wrong then prove me wrong. People need to stop being crazy and mask up!  Kids are taking school online now. Which is a good thing. The kids are safe and out of harm way. That the good side  of this whole thing . 

my 5 tips are this "New Life"  

1. wash your hands
2. use hand-sanitizer
3. keep you distance- 6FT apart
4. disinfect everything 
5. WEAR A MASK!!!!

Just follow these tips and we'll be just fine. And if your sick, please stay home.  Also be SAFE. 

Don't let COVLD-19 WIN!!!  Have faith  and you'll be back on your feet in no time. 

Have fun and be safe. 
