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Any tips on starting a small business?

 This quarantine has it perks and I see a lot of people are doing like online businesses like making earrings or necklaces and it's a great way to money on the side. I don't what to think I'm all about the money. I wanna know any tips and or tricks into starting a small online business. Like if  I wanna partner with someone; you do you talk to? And who is the best to work with?   I wanna start my own business, something to help me afloat.  If you have anyways in how to start, please let me. How did you get started on your business?  What was your steps to success?  Comment down below your tips                                                              -Ghostgirl27

A act of Kindness goes along way

So today was a alright day in my book. Have you ever had  someone just come up to you and have someone just say something nice about you?  Well today I was running errands with my mom and I went inside Wal-Mart and I was in laundry aisle and a family was also in the aisle. A mother with her 2 kids; a son and daughter. As I was looking around, her daughter comes up to me and told in Spanish that I was Beautiful. The mother translated it for me so I can under her. She was wearing a mask, I know there was a smile under there when she said it.   It really made my day. We need some kindness in the world even under the state we're in right now.  That one comment really made my day. Have you ever got a comment or a even a smile?                                                                      ...

Book of the NIGHT

I've been reading some really good books. And I have a question for you guys out there. What book have you been reading over the lockdown? What are you're favorite books to reads?  What your favorite style? Thriller?  Horror? Comedy? and Romance? or Action? , Mystery? Or Series? I love series books and Books base off of movies too.  I don't know why but reading to me is like reading in a mellow under a tree on a sunny summer day. With the wind in my hair!!!                                                                                                                                                      ...

Will everything go back to normal or stay the same?

Months have gone by this. Some people are taking it seriously, some aren't ; and it's crazy. I see people wear masks or some type of face covering and some.... just don't care. This Covid-19 has done for much to us. From our love ones dyeing to people who lose their jobs. I want people to understand that THIS COVLD-19 is no joke, this is a serious matter. If you think I'm wrong then prove me wrong. People need to stop being crazy and mask up!  Kids are taking school online now. Which is a good thing. The kids are safe and out of harm way. That the good side  of this whole thing .  my 5 tips are this "New Life"   1. wash your hands 2. use hand-sanitizer 3. keep you distance- 6FT apart 4. disinfect everything  5. WEAR A MASK!!!! Just follow these tips and we'll be just fine. And if your sick, please stay home.  Also be SAFE.  Don't let COVLD-19 WIN!!!  Have faith  and you'll be back on your feet in no time.  Have fun and be safe.  ...

Life under Quarantine

As we sit at home,  the COVID-19 as a quarantine has us to stay inside at all times. Stay 6ft away from others , social distance yourself. Only go out if actually needed. Who know when we’ll be back to our old life’s again or even if we will. But. I do know that if we stay strong, fight this and wash our hands and don’t leave without a MASK! We’ll  be  just fine. Everything is online now so take avenge of that. But don’t go crazy ordering stuff. Lol Be safe, stay home and , stay healthy!!! -Sincerely GhostGirl27

Love is in the air

So  are you single or taken? Hanging out with your boyfriend or husband? I asked cause today is Valentine Day. "The Couple Holiday"  That's my name for it. Or for the girls Galentine's Day. (If you don't know what that is, it's mini holiday for you and your girls on this day). Here are some tips for you if you're alone on Valentine's Day: 1. eat your favorite ice cream. 2. binge watch your favorite movies and tv series 3. have an all girl sleepover 4. sing along to your songs out loud 5. valentine photoshoot 6. secretly write love letters to your crush but don't mail them (I know we all done that before ladies) 7. eat all the chocolate you want follow these tips and you weren't have a horrible Valentine. No matter if you're alone or taken or with your girls, just have fun!!!

Writer's Block... Again!

I've been out of touch  on my blog for a while now. I couldn't  think anything to say. I felt stuck like I was in time loop that won't stop no matter what I did. I was wondering if there a curse for Writer's Block? Cause I can't take it anymore. It makes want to stop  writing altogether. I know I'm not the only person who gone through before. A lot of writers have.  I would sit in front of the computer for hours and nothing. Completely blank. I feel like this block is a  stopping from succeeding my dream of becoming a writer.   So any way to get rid of this block? Anyone out there that can help me? comment down below on what you do to get rid this? Let help each other out.       -ghostgirl27

Have you ever wanted to do something new but was afraid?

It’s official, it’s the year 2020. We’re in January. I always wanted to try something new but was afraid. To get out of my comfort zone. To tell you the truth: I’m a very shy person. I talk quietly when a around new people or new places. And this year I wanna change that. Do you ever feel trap or scared to try something new, out of your comfort zone? Let me know in the comments below.           -GhostGirl27