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Showing posts from 2019

Who's ready for 2020?

I can't believe there only one month left until the year 2020. This year for me has been wild in my opinion. But I  made it through. Had some laughs, cried, but mostly smiled. A lot. Next year I will be more active on my blog and more focus on myself. my goals for 2020 are simple, easy maybe even challenging. I want to leave 2019 behind with a BIG finish before entering 2020 all together.             my 2020 goal: .                                     Reach 100 subscribers blog more Take cooking class get my driver's  license dance lessons play the piano practice singing   Read 100 books focus  on myself tryout for modeling/acting Just give you a glimpse of what I'm doing in 2020.  what's did  you learn from this year to get you into next year? what are your goals/dreams for 2020? let me know down below in the comments.                                                                                                            -GhostGirl27

Healthy body- how do you take of your body?

Did you ever think it'll be possible that you can break your arm on your knee? Well I didn't think it was possible either until I met my cousin's friend. She told me how she did it. At first I didn't believe her until she told me what happen. She doing okay so no need to worry.  I'm telling you this little story because I want you to know that you're body is a temple and should take care of  your body like you take care of laptop or your phone. You like  your body, yes? Tell me what do you do to treat your body?  I wanna know what is your routine for your body? Like basely what is your morning routine?  For me... well i don't really have a routine yet but as for my body self care routine I eat healthy and sleep as much as I can. I want to know your routine. You're story. Your passion to a healthy YOU. Question: Have ever broken a bone in your body before ? Like your arm or out leg? comment down below your answers let me know what you think.  


I've been reading her books. My aunt got me into her books. I also been watching the series Bitten. It's not on TV anymore. I've been watching it on Netflix. On season 2  of the series even through I watched it so many times. Her books are the kind I like to read. The mystery, the plot twist, the action within the story but mostly the characters is what I love. Each one is like telling  their version of the story. For me the book has way more than the series itself. In my opinion. Kelley Armstrong is an author for adults and young adults and I read from both sides. Kelley Armstrong books are impressive. She really knows to connect with her audiences,  how to  get them reading more. I don't know why her books are for young adults and adults but I DO know that her work is truly a work of art.  She really catches the reader's point of view of the story. One of the books I'm reading is called Waking the Witch. Can't wait to start. The books I've read by

A Picture is worth a thousand words

Writing isn't my only passion. Ever heard of the saying (a picture is worth a thousand words.) Well, I am going to show you what I mean. I love taking photos. Of anything, I can catch with my eye. Photography is like art. Another form of journalism. Or another way of putting it, photojournalism. People say taking photos isn't art; drawing or painting or even building is art. But I say it is art. It's like you're taking a story trying to come life. I say art is art. Here a new quote for you: People don't make the art, art makes the people. Understanding what I'm talking about?  Here are some examples of my work. And no I don't have a fancy camera. I use my camera from my phone.


I went to go see the Lion King movie and it was  Better than I  expected to be. The action, the fight scene in the end was my favorite part. (might be a spoiler or two).  The scene where Simba and Nala try to get away from the bird (forgot his name), they didn't do the tower of animals like in the original version. I kind a like it.  Another scene I liked that wasn't in the original version was when Nala escape the pridelands to find help. Some of the scenes were more eye poppin, it really got my attention. I  heard people say that live action movies of the original won't be good, not worth the money, but you never know unless you try. I  think live action movies are great. Not saying there better than the originals no, I'm saying that it's okay to  think outside the box.  I mean they're already making a  The Lady and The Tramp movie live version if you didn't know. I must a review on that one too. Some live action Disney movies are okay , some may suck who

Crohn’s Disease- How do you handle it? What do you do?

Hi viewers, it’s GhostGirl27. Sorry I’ve haven’t been posting , was feeling under the weather but doing well. I have something to talk you about. Crohn’s. Disease... I was diagnosed with this disease at the age of 19 in 2014 so 6 years ago. I had a couple of flare ups that would put me in the ER for a week or two. My systems are: weight loss, dizziness, blood loss, and tiredness. I take meds to for it; to control it. I want to tell you my story of this disease. But I wanna know you’re story. When did it happen and what do you to handle I? Do you write what you eat? Many people deal with this sickness in their own way and I wanna heard your story. I know there no cure for this illness but together we can face it. Here a saying my nana told me: “The disease doesn’t control you, you’re in control.” I know what you’re thinking.... isn’t this too personal to tell? I say NO it’s not too personal cause I know I’m not the only person with this disease. Comment down below what you do? Does th

My Writing journey - Why I wanted to a writer?

I love writing. Even since grade school. I mostly notice in high school when my teacher would have write daily entrances before we start out lessons. I was actually voted longest journal writer in my class. Seems silly uh? Well I don’t think so. I wanna thank my teachers and my friends and family for their support. Sometimes I would go blank when i can write. Like what I want to write down is gone vanish into thin air. I would ask my parent(s) for a new journal for my birthday or Christmas cause I knew I wanted to be a writer or even a author. What really got me into writing was that I wanted to be a teacher cause I love working with kids but when I change it into something more. I would write my own stories. Make up plots and characters and twist and turns here and there. I started using this site called Wattpad. It’s a site for writers like me or yourselves. A friend of mine recommended it me and I love it. I’ll put the link down below. Over the years I’ve been writing I wann

Youtube idea block-How to get rid it?

For people who have YouTube channel probably go through the same thing or is it just me? I wanna know what you (viewers) do to stop... prevent this. I feel like I'm stuck in a rock in a hard place. I usually write down my ideas and sometimes I forget. To one youtuber to another. Is there a way I can broke this YIB?! (YouTube Idea Block). Also I wanna know what was your reason you started a channel?? Was it to find a new hobby? or have a passion for video making? let  me know in the comments below.                                                                            -GhostGirl27  

Movie review #4 Spider-Man

This weekend I went to go see the new Spider-Man movie. It was my cousin birthday that day and I had fun. The movie was mind blowing . The actions, the fight scenes, the drama. The actors they had playing these characters are brilliant.  Really was just loud and action. The 5 words I would to describe this movie would be: peculiar , thrilling, eye catching, spontaneous, and entertaining , and hilarious. To all superhero/ marvel fans if You’re huge marvel fan then this is the movie for you!! Trust me when I say this movie is worth seeing!!!  I give it 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Hi bloggers, sorry I haven't been on my blog that much. Been busy. Probably all have so no excuse for me i guess. (laughing) Anyway We're in June now. It's officially Summer. So happy about that. So what you're summer plans? Any fun trips plan or just a day a the beach?  Kids going camping or road trips with the family? Well whatever you guys decided, hope ya'll have a blast. Well that's all folks! Happy blogging and have a wonderful SUMMER!!

Movie Review of Aquaman

I said that I can’t believe that 2019 is here. I did so many things in 2018. I will beat that goal this year. As I was alway for the New Years, I went to the movies with my family. We saw the movie Aquaman. The movie was good, better then all the maveral movies.  It had alot of action, the fight scenes were mind blowing, it was funny and very popcorn worthy. I'm not going to do spoilers but this movie is so worth the watch. I’m not big on superhero movies but this one was got me interested. So interested that I tried to do a YouTube video on it with my cousin.  I didn’t post. Sorry. The movie was good but personally I give a 8/10 star rating . In my personal opinion. But I do recommend you go watch it for your self.