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Showing posts from September, 2020

A act of Kindness goes along way

So today was a alright day in my book. Have you ever had  someone just come up to you and have someone just say something nice about you?  Well today I was running errands with my mom and I went inside Wal-Mart and I was in laundry aisle and a family was also in the aisle. A mother with her 2 kids; a son and daughter. As I was looking around, her daughter comes up to me and told in Spanish that I was Beautiful. The mother translated it for me so I can under her. She was wearing a mask, I know there was a smile under there when she said it.   It really made my day. We need some kindness in the world even under the state we're in right now.  That one comment really made my day. Have you ever got a comment or a even a smile?                                                                                                                -GhostGirl27

Book of the NIGHT

I've been reading some really good books. And I have a question for you guys out there. What book have you been reading over the lockdown? What are you're favorite books to reads?  What your favorite style? Thriller?  Horror? Comedy? and Romance? or Action? , Mystery? Or Series? I love series books and Books base off of movies too.  I don't know why but reading to me is like reading in a mellow under a tree on a sunny summer day. With the wind in my hair!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -GhostGirl27